How to Check Brake Fluid Level?
August 30, 2017
In order to check your car's brake fluid level, you first need to locate the reservoir. Its location solely depends on the type of car model you owe. The brake booster is usually located on the driver's side of your vehicle, primarily up near the firewall. In front of the brake booster, sitting on top of and connected to the brake master cylinder, is the brake fluid reservoir. It is usually a small plastic canister like the one shown in the picture.
Older vehicles don't have a plastic reservoir; instead, they are equipped with a master cylinder which is a little metal box with a lid that can be lifted to gauge the brake fluid level.
BP Auto Spares India, the largest
Exporter of TATA Parts in India has mustered easy-to-do steps to help you check your brake fluid level.
Follow the following steps to check the brake fluid level.
Clean the top of the reservoir thoroughly: Even a small amount of dirt accumulation in the brake fluid can tend to weaken the internal seals of the master cylinder. Your brakes will start to jackhammer and will soon lose its effectiveness. Lack of proper functioning and effectiveness of the brakes will gradually lead to premature brake-failure.
Carefully open the top of your brake fluid reservoir: Latest car models house brake fluid reservoir with a plastic cap on top. To open the top, just unscrew the cap of the reservoir. If you have an older version probably of the early 2000s, then you might have a master cylinder that contains the reservoir. Use a screwdriver to remove the retaining clamp off the top. Never leave the master cylinder uncovered or an open can of brake fluid idle for too long.
Brake fluids tend to soak up moisture to keep it from settling on the hydraulic components and corroding them. If moisture gets in contact with brake fluid for as little as 15 minutes, the fluid is ruined. So keep the can tightly closed until you are ready to use it.
Check the level of brake fluid: Peek in to see where the brake fluid level lies. Make sure the brake fluid level is within 1/2 an inch or so of the cap. If the brake fluid isn't passing the optimum level, then add the proper brake fluid for your vehicle. In case your brake fluid reservoir is empty when you inspect it, you may have to bleed the brake system.
Check the color of the brake fluid: If your brake fluid still has that brown-golden hue, then it is safe to use. If your brake fluid is darker in color, then you have to replace it.